Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Day Twenty

Hello, Bradley here, because Ann’s hands don’t want to type.
Ann’s had a rough go since the last blog post. The past weekend was The Rock Bottom. But over the past four days, this is what’s happened: Ann is off the pain meds; Ann is off the IV nutrition; the mouth sores are mostly gone; apple sauce and chocolate pudding (the good, cake-batter-y kind) have been consumed. This is all to say: plans are in place to go home on Sunday.
So: port removal on Friday (fingers crossed); working on able to eat more food; working on more mobility; and having the last of the IV meds changed over to pills. She reports, “We’re close”.
Saturday Ann’s sister Beth arrives from Madison, and will be helping Ann adjust to life back home, and be her roommate.
That’s a rough report for now–more later after Ann is back in her home, and her fingertips don’t hurt.


  1. Beth Avatar

    Thanks for the update Ann/Bradley! See you soon!

  2. Rebecca Jensen Avatar
    Rebecca Jensen

    Thanks for the update Bradley! I’m glad Ann is feeling a bit better now. Fingers crossed that you will be able to go home on Sunday!


  3. sprunkiy Avatar

    Your thoughts dance like music! Speaking of dancing, Sprunki OC orchestrates perfection.

  4. Angela Bohmann Avatar
    Angela Bohmann

    Thanks so much for the update, Bradley. Happy Ann is heading home and sending positive thoughts her way.

  5. andrew s. Avatar

    Thank you very much for the update, Mr. G.—the quiet was a wee bit unnerving; but it sounds like very good progress is being made.
    Between you and me, though, I’m not sure how eager Deb is gonna be to eventually turn Lenny back over, because it sounds like they’re having a Fine Old Time.
    Ann may have to go lay a little whupass on her…

  6. Courtney Avatar

    Thank you for the update! So sorry that things have been so rough. Sending best wishes for a major upswing. Love you Ann! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Brittany Avatar

      Sorry things got so lousy. I hope you are back at home now with kitties and aunt Beth. Sending you love.

  7. retrobowl-team Avatar

    Digital adventure! Retro Bowl transforms downtime into football glory.

    1. Jack Peters Avatar
      Jack Peters


  8. Jack Peters Avatar
    Jack Peters

    Bradley, I’m so thankful for your time to help Ann with an update. Ann, I’m so glad to hear about plans for home. You and Beth please keep me in mind if there is anything needed.

  9. Robert Avatar

    Thanks for the update. Hoping this week is going better!

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