Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Day Twenty-Nine

I’m home.
Got sprung from the hospital last Sunday, February 16th.

My sister Beth is here helping me and things are going well.
Still healing from the mucositis so I am limited in what I can eat but that is improving steadily so I have more food options.
After eating so little for so long the battle is to try to get in enough calories to stop losing weight while not throwing everything up.
The nausea is still really terrible.
Add to that my out-of-the-hospital-adjusting-to-environmental-allergies-again mucus issues and things are very tricky indeed.
My taste buds are still off but I’m finding more and more things that taste like I think they should so I feel I’m ahead of the game there.

The good news is that things are slowly improving so I’m hopeful there will be a time that things might begin to feel normal again.
My white blood counts are still low but slowly improving and my hemoglobin and platelets are increasing steadily all on their own.
All good signs of good engraftment.
Next Monday is next bone marrow biopsy (results on Friday) and then we will find out exactly how well my new stem cells are doing.

On Wednesday I got my dual port from the hospital removed and the area is a bit of a mess but mostly scabbed over so tomorrow I will get to take my first completely normal shower.
My last shower I got too hot and got confused and made things hotter not colder but I survived without any injury or vomit.
I think I might have freaked my sister out a bit but she was a champ getting me from shower to bed to recover.

I’m home.
Things are slowly improving.
Seventy-One days to Day 100 when I can rejoin the world.


  1. Courtney Avatar

    Hooray to being home and hooray to improving! ❤️

  2. Rebecca Jensen Avatar
    Rebecca Jensen


    I’m so glad that you are feeling better! Thanks for the update!


  3. Sue Brockman Avatar
    Sue Brockman

    Yeah! Ann
    Baby steps, soon you’ll be running.

  4. andrew s. Avatar

    Well, then-welcome home, and keep healing!
    And isn’t a good shower a Wonderful Thing.

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