Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Day Thirty-Six

Got the results of the one month bone marrow biopsy yesterday.
Things are going well.
My bone marrow is now 100% donor.
My blood is 90% donor and 10% me and that will slowly change with time to 100% donor.
And they found zero evidence of cancer cells anywhere in my bone marrow or blood.
So now we just have to keep waiting for everything to develop and all the new blood cells to grow and if all continues to go well, in 64 more days I will be considered mostly out of the woods.
There is some risk of issues developing after the first 100 days but the risk isn’t big.

Got a really crappy rash on my face this week.
It was brutal itchy but yesterday I finally got some decent drugs and it is doing much better today.
Fingers crossed the six-day course of steroids wipes it out.

That’s about it.
I’m able to eat most anything I want now, my mouth and throat are essentially healed up.
Sadly my taste buds are not back to normal yet but I’m finding many things that taste like I think they should so eating is better.
I think I’ve finally stopped losing weight.

Next big decision I need to make is when is Lenny coming home.
I hate to admit it but with everything happening I haven’t missed him as much as I thought I would.
He is a bit needy and I’ve needed to give all my energy to me so far.


  1. andrew s. Avatar
    andrew s.

    Overall, this sounds dandy, Ms. P! And it’s terrific that you’re able to work back into food, too.

    I have it in my head that your donor was possibly in Germany. Given this takeover of marrow and blood, will you qualify for an EU passport, d’you think?
    Could come in handy…

    Keep Healing, kiddo!

  2. Sue Brockman Avatar
    Sue Brockman

    You are amazing, Ann.
    I am so happy to hear this.

  3. Courtney Avatar

    Yay! So glad to hear that things are going well and you are feeling sonewhat better! ❤️

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