A new year.
Historically I have put a LOT of attention into the wrapping up of an old year and welcoming the new.
With everything going on I completely ignored it this year.
Got information last week about the stem cell transplant and everything has been feeling a bit too real…have been struggling to absorb.
Last Monday 12/30 I had my second bone marrow biopsy to make sure I am ready for the transplant.
I am scheduled for my “workup week” next week for testing to make sure I’m physically able to do the transplant.
The literature says that workup week is 6-8 hours per day and thankfully that is NOT at all what my schedule is.
I have a full day of meetings and tests on Tuesday, half a day of tests on Wednesday, and an appointment with the Doctor on Friday.
Then we wait for the insurance company to pre-approve the transplant.
I’m scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on Friday, January 17th, two weeks tomorrow.
The only thing that happens on the 17th is that they install an additional line for injecting things into me and then at 4am on the 18th we start the pre-transplant chemo.
My Donor is all lined up and was scheduled for their final approval physical on Monday (12/30) and to start their end of the process.
Will find out next week if everything is proceeding there as planned.
Was told that normally we would hear sooner but my donor is from outside the US so different timelines apply.
Donor is scheduled for stem cell collection on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Thursday, January 23rd is to be “Day Zero” for me, the day I receive the stem cells into my system.
Then starts the 100 days of waiting while the stem cells populate my bone marrow and grow me a new system.
Well…I will be waiting.
The medical team will be monitoring for infection and rejection and testing and such.
Won’t be in the hospital for the whole time, am just there for the first 4-6 weeks then will be at home.
Note that with this schedule Day 100 happens to fall on Star Wars Day and I am taking that as a good omen.
Fear not, Lenny will be well cared for, he is going to be crashing with my friend Deb and her sister Leann while I’m in the hospital.
Super weird they won’t let me bring him to the hospital with me.
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