I knew that chemotherapy was a lousy business but I can now speak from direct experience and it really sucks.
My first round of shots are done.
I got 14 shots in my belly (2 at a time for seven days).
The bruising and rashes that came with the shots were quite dramatic.
Instead of repeating that, for the next round I will be doing IV infusions.
They take a bit longer but should be less uncomfortable.
Getting a port placed on November 20th.
Curious to see how long it takes for the belly bruises and rashes to clear up.
Still doing the chemo pills.
Unclear exactly what is causing what side effects but I think the low grade up and down fever is connected more to the pills than the shots.
And I wondered if I would get to experience the “sensitive skin” that is mentioned a lot.
I’m sure that it takes many forms but for me it mostly has meant that everything itches.
Things took a bit of a dip for me over the last seven days but last shots were on Tuesday morning and on Wednesday I got another blood transfusion so things are on a bit of an upswing.
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