Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Day -6 Completed

Day Two in the hospital was quite uneventful.
Blood draws.
Several rounds phosphate infused water because my phosphate dropped way down after the first chemo IV.
One preventative infusion in the morning.
John brought me cookies and party mix!
Thanks John!

We are now doing the second overnight chemo infusion, it will finish at 4am and then we start the round of blood draws that get put on ice and run to the lab.
Science man.
It is really really impressive stuff.

My dairy thing got straightened out today so I can order more things off the menu which is nice.
My feelings about the food remain unchanged.
It’s fine.
I can tell my appetite is starting to wane and with tonight being second chemo day I think my appetite will probably crater tomorrow.
When that happens it doesn’t really matter much what I eat, just need to get some calories in me so not very exciting food isn’t a big deal.
And there are enough things on the menu that I still have many things to try out.
I did discover the lemon flavored ice today and it is delicious, first item I am excited to repeat.

Fingers crossed that any side effects that show up are easily manageable.
Losing all my hair is not quite a given but almost.
Won’t happen for probably 10-14 days.


  1. Sue Brockman Avatar
    Sue Brockman

    I am glad you are settling in.
    Do you have someone starting your car on a regular basis so the battery stays charged?

  2. Ann Avatar

    Roger lives in a warm garage under my building so he will be okay for a bit.

    1. Sue Brockman Avatar
      Sue Brockman

      Roger is very lucky.

    2. andrew s. Avatar
      andrew s.

      Roger, Roger…
      Sue raises a good point. Warm or no, the battery’s slowly running down, even switched off. Sometimes the onboard electronics get very shirty if the battery dies in a modrin car.
      We could explore connecting him up to a battery tender, which’ll maintain charge without cooking the battery, if you like.

  3. Courtney Avatar

    Glad dairy is back on the menu. Hope your appetite doesn’t crater too much. Are you streaming any comfort tv? Love you! ❤️

  4. Robert Avatar

    Do you have adequate access to Nutter Butters? Do you need any pantry supplies shipped in? (Kidding, not kidding)

  5. Rebecca Jensen Avatar
    Rebecca Jensen

    Hi Ann

    How is the treadmill working for you? Any regrets with the decision to go with a treadmill instead of a stationary bike? I hope you’re doing OK. I’m sending healing thoughts your way!


  6. Lynda S. Avatar

    Ann, have been thinking of you a lot and hoping everything works out well for you. You sound like you are in very good spirits and have the best attitude possible – good for you! Thanks for your posts – it’s nice to be updated. Today is my first day back in the office since July – me and my new hip! Feels like my first day of work – everything feels strange. Miss you here also. Take care.

  7. sprunkiy Avatar

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