Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Onward and Onward

Been having two computer issues:
A. My laptop doesn’t like letting me log in to type blogs; and
B. I didn’t realize how much I don’t really like sitting in front of a computer unless I’m being paid to do it.
But I’m back and going to try to do this more regularly now that my computer has let me back in to post.

The first four week round of chemo went well.
It is beyond me to explain it but when Dr. L explains it to me I know that things are happening that we want to happen.

Yesterday was to be Day One of second four week round of chemo mostly identical to the first.
Last week I got a port installed so we could switch to IV transfusions instead of the shots…those shots and I did not get along at all. I still have bruises and weird tender lumps in my belly.

I had a bit of a zero energy weekend and when I went in yesterday to start the chemo my hemoglobin was down to 6ish and other numbers had dropped to a point where the only agenda items for the day were to first get a blood transfusion and then a couple of new preventative medicine prescriptions.
The infusion people couldn’t get me in so I got to go to the ER to get a blood transfusion.
Everyone was very nice and it all went well but it took hours longer than the infusion place and no snacks.
I then gave the Costco pharmacy hundreds of dollars and finally got back home.

Today I went in for blood test and my hemoglobin was all the way up to 7.5 so all set for now.
Started an anti-fungal drug and a antibiotic to go with the anti-viral that I’ve been taking for four weeks.
We now let the anti drugs do things for a few days and on Monday (12/2) we will start next round of chemo.

Now that I’m logged back in here I’m going to go as long as I can with restarting my computer and losing my login.
Fingers crossed.
AND tomorrow I’m going to try to figure out how people can leave comments.
If I know people are looking at this and we interact I think it will help me open my laptop more often.

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