Hi, its Ann

Typing here to share my blood cancer adventure.

BLOOD – Seven Weeks!

Seven weeks of Treatment complete!
As with most of life, feels like it has been both longer and shorter.

When last I typed we were in the sixth week and I had just learned of the magic of IV steroids.
Got that on Wednesday and felt GREAT until it wore off Friday evening.
I then slept for 16 hoiurs and thankfully have had no serious back pain since.

Finished the Round Two IV chemo treatments last Tuesday and am thrilled to report WAY fewer side effects than I had had with the shots of the first round.

Lots of improvements happening in my blood numbers.
Time will tell if the numbers in my blood tests accurately reflect what is happening in my bone marrow.
Fingers crossed.

Since I am feeling better this round I am pushing to spend more of each day vertical.
Have met some friends to walk around at Mia (Minneapolis Institute of Art).
Been nice to be out and about a bit.


  1. Rebecca Jensen Avatar
    Rebecca Jensen

    I’m glad you’re feeling better, Ann. That’s great news!

  2. Courtney Avatar

    Sounds like progress is being made. So happy to hear this. The week after xmas count me in for some MIA walking. ❤️

  3. Sue Brockman Avatar
    Sue Brockman

    That is great news Ann, another big step down the path.
    After the new year I would be happy to meet you at Mia for a walk.

  4. Lisa Avatar

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better and all this is moving in the right direction! ❤️

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