Everything went well with last week’s appointments and tests.
So many appointments and tests.
No syphilis!
No West Nile virus!
Sixteen vials of blood in one sitting is my new record.
The doctor has cleared me for transplant.
I think my insurance has also already cleared the transplant.
My donor is cleared and on schedule.
They did pre-admission blood work on Friday (only two vials of blood that day) and a swab and all is fine there, no Covid, RSV, flu A, or flu B.
So I have a few days of miscellaneous appointments and projects and packing to prepare for a month in the hospital.
Going into the hospital on Friday.
On Friday I will get new catheter put in so they have multiple (and bigger) ports to use for putting things into me.
Chemo starts on Saturday…initially was told it would start at 4am but it might actually be starting at Friday midnight.
The pharmacist told me that there will be IVs starting at midnight and 1am and I’m not sure if those are the chemo or pre-chemo things.
There are many things that are slightly blurred in my brain and I’m okay with that.
They know what they are doing and my primary job is to do what they tell me to do and follow the rules.
Once I am there other people will be running the schedule and I don’t need to worry about the specific times of things.
Other random items:
I’ve finally got all my seeds painted for my Marvin crop art.
Need to paint the board and then it will all be ready to go with me to the hospital to give me something to do while there.
Most people keep the catheter in when they are sent home so they have quick access available for follow up appointments. Dr. J said that if things are going well that they might take that out before I go home since I have a regular port.
That would make things at home a LOT easier so fingers crossed for that.
I learned that over the next year I will have to redo every vaccine.
Getting a new immune system means needing to go back and get every vaccine I’ve ever gotten.
I had been told that my Donor and I match on eight different blood markers, blood type, and a specific antibody.
I asked my doctor if there was anything that they test for that we don’t match on and he said nope, we match on everything that they test for.
I made a difficult choice.
Have the option of a stationary bike or treadmill in my hospital room and after a LOT of overthinking I went with a treadmill.
That’s all I can think of for now.
Very thankful that things are about to happen.
When I got the dates for the transplant my brain spiralled a bit.
It is a LOT to absorb and the last couple weeks have been a bit rough mentally.
But now that things are counting down and I’ve got a lot of practical things to take care of I am feeling more stable about it all.
I’m confident that the end result will be good but the process…the process is going to be rough.
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